Very big adventures

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Nummie, Bubba, Help

Bax has a new trick. I was lying in bed the other morning anticipating the very long days behind me and infront of me and I could hear Izzie crying but I simply could not move with tiredness. Then she stopped and I went back to sleep. When I got up half an hour later she had a dummie in her mouth and was fast asleep. I asked G later, did he get up to her? But no, Bax had got out of our bed and found her dummie and stuck it in her mouth. Wasn't a once off either he did it again this morning.

So, Izzie is sleeping very well and Bax still ends up in our bed one night out of three or four.

Work is heating up for me and I have found myself carting Izzie around too much so she is going to be at daycare with Bax from next week - Tuesday and Thursday 9-3 - hope no one minds too much but I think she'll get more kicking and stretching time which seems important.

We are having a big rearrange this weekend which involves reclaiming our study and moving Izzie in with Bax, I'm sure that will lead to even more bed swapping but we need somewhere to work and I'm sure these two will sort themselves out quite quickly.

New favorite Bax words: Balloon and Noodle.


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