Very big adventures

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Mass hysteria and Mall crawlers

Went to the mall. After daycare. Never having two concepts been so missmatched.

H was having a nightmare re her papa in Vietnam so we went to have tea and the proverbial sympathy. Managed to get a few much needed birthday and new-baby gifts and also to chat to a pimply youth about laptop vs palm pilot stuff (when I said to him that I wanted a word about PDAs he looked very confused, perhaps he thought I meant 'public displays of affection' rather than 'personal display a...'(whatever the 'a' stands for)).

The kids were great until Bax decided to eat a packet of coffee sugar. Piled him and Izzie into the car and pretty quickly got trapped in a traffic jam. Both kids go so mad at one stage that Bax pulled Izzie's muslin over his head so he could scream in peace and quiet. Then right on the motorway he managed to not only open his door but also to wind down his window - I wound it back up again from my master switch in the front and for a while we played power games with the window, but that was nothing to having about six people drive past me miming "Your back door's open!!" with me miming back "I know, I've got a kid here on a serious sugar high and a bawling baby to match, a loose back door is the very least of my nightmarish problems on this sunny afternoon!.


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