Very big adventures

Monday, May 02, 2005

Mouths of babes

It's fasanating watching Bax learn English; hysterical listening to him barble 'pocket, puppet, poppa, bubba, baby, bye bye, hello, yellow, shoessss, snack, night-night, num-num,no!'; mystifying when he says 'da da da' and points at the light, the wall, the floor, Izzie.

He has become more and more useful especially to G who is totally deaf in one ear. When the phone goes Bax finds Dad and says "Hello" and holds his hand to his ear. When Isabella cries and G is outside or in the shed Bax finds him and tells him "bubba bubba" so G knows what's happening. Bax is already earning his keep.

Am I looking forward to the next stage though when he says embarrassing things in public spaces. My dear friend L in ChCh shared a story with me the other week: She had taken her two to the park and her littlest has a large birth mark on her face. A little girl came up and asked "What's that thing on her face?" L started off on her long story of explaination. The little girl interupted her mid flow, "I like your necklace" she said. Perhaps the next stage will be just as engaging as this one.


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