Green Eggs and minding Baxter's Bs 'n' Ps
Watching a little kid learn how to speak English makes you realise just how many words sound alike. Bax has now mastered 'hello' and 'goodbye' and best of all 'no' but when it comes to b and p words they all come out sounding the same: bubble, baby, bubba, bye bye, poppa, puppy, puppet, pocket. I know what he means and he knows what he means but the rest of the world just hears bubba bubba bubba bubba bubba no!
Marvellous thing happened yesterday though. I was dragging Bax around the lawn in a clam shell tied to a piece of string - as you do - when I spied on the grass before me a green egg. Well Bax thought it was a green egg but actually it was a feijoa. In a corner of the garden I had never explored before we have a huge tree spitting out a bumper crop of feijoas! We had a great time gathering them all up in a big purple bucket and hauling them inside to show Dad. He was ecstatic as they are a real favourite. Bax, being a little food-shy, wouldn't try one but he did enjoy bringing them to me and then taking away my 'empties' and posting them into the rubbish bin. Very handy. Normally I want him to try new tastes but with this if he doesn't have any then it's a good thing, as Mum would say "all the more for me!" and I know that as soon as he does brave a try he'll be as hooked as the rest of us are.
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