Very big adventures

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Toot Toot Little Buddy

G took Bax out in the work delivery truck on Friday. He loved it!
Bax sat up in his leatherette car seat and could see a panoramic view of the traffic. All the blokes in the various warehouses around town called him the General Manager. G was very proud.
The 'wheels' theme continues at our place because it's inorganic rubbish collection time and I have been collecting wheels to make a go-cart. I have 7 and a broken trike with no handle bars. I watched Bax in the weekend climb onto the trike and put his feet on the pedals but he couldn't actually go anywhere poor deprived mite. After a while he started jigging to try and make the trike go somewhere and the bloody thing fell to bits with him on top. I was peeking out the kitchen window laughing. He started yelling but I didn't respond and after a few minutes he dragged one half of the trike inside and brought it to me, saying 'uhoh' and pointing into the garden. I followed him out and together we put the trike back together. Much later we went for a walk and he saw a little girl on a real, brand new trike, he stared at it longingly. Perhaps we should get him a proper trike before his birthday in August?


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