Every home should have one
Baxter is very useful. I've told you before about G using his ears for the phone and the baby. Now I've got him scooting under the table to pick things up, going to get things for me, helping with Izzie. With very little help he can give Izzie a bottle and he's the first to find her dummie if she's upset. We'll have him climbing in windows Oliver-Twist like soon.
He can say up and down now. G picks him up and he says Up and then Down and G lowers him to the ground. It gets a bit tricky when he says Up Up Up and G runs out of height and Bax starts giggling. Lovely.
I don't want to jinx it but we think we've found a way of getting him to sleep in HIS bed through the night. We have put a real duvet and pillow in his bed and he loves cuddling down with them so much that he seems to be keener to stay there til morning.
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