Very big adventures

Sunday, September 09, 2007


SO we tried the technique of our LA auntie and put Izzie to bed 13 times in one night - a couple of nights of that and now she is sleeping through in her own bed - or she did for two nights running (and both those nights Bax woke up for some reason and ended up in our bed (it's a plot!))

Last night when I went to bed I came up the stairs and she was fast alseep at the top - now I'm wondering if she sleep walks?! - she had just woken up , I said to her "What are you doing?" She said "I've just woken up" I wonder how long she had been there.

She has a confusing dummy thing (she calls them her pops). She has three and has to have all three or else it's just not right. Also she had a balloon. And a motorbike and a jeep in her PJ pocket, and a clip in her hair which was probably sticking into her scalp. So she has all this kit, no wonder she can't get comfortable.

I took her down stairs and gave her a drink. She was very hot and had an aweful cough. I put her back to bed but then she drifted down the hall and ended up in with us again. Oh well, two sleepy steps forward, one sleepy step back.

And when Bax woke in the night and I went in he said to me "Big scarey teeth" I said "Are you a tiger?" then Bax to me "No not really" and he rolls over and goes back to sleep.


Blogger The Doylies said...

So cute!!.yes,we are known to sleepwalk us barrons!...I did and I know kaytlynn did and now bella...ruby's next i reckon!.

5:26 AM


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