Happy Birthday Boy
Bax turned four this past weekend. Here are some photos. People sent amazing presents and we had a tiger cake which Nana made and Daddy decorated. At kindy yesterday they had a special morning tea with another cake. Johanna told a little story about how Baby Bax was up in heaven waiting to come down to earth on a rainbow to his mummy and daddy. I was at the morning tea so I heard the story but I asked him to tell it again at dinner so Nana could hear. He said "The baby angel was waiting in the heavens to come down and all the nappies were folded and ready and the baby bed was ready and the little baby asked the guardian angel is it time and the angel said yes and then the baby came down to his mummy and daddy." And I aksed him how the baby got to the Mummy and Daddy and Bax said "In a campervan" !!
What a fantastic cake!!HAPPY 4th BAX!
8:59 PM
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