Very big adventures

Sunday, August 05, 2007

It'll change I know but it's SWEET right now

Yeee gads I think His Baxship has a little cavity. Poo bar! So I said to Gerard could he jack up with the dental nurse at school to see both children. Mr Elephant ears in the back seat said "I want to go to the Dentist today"

Then we got chatting about Dentists and what they do. He wanted to know all about teeth and cavities and sugar . He said "Those jelly snakes have lots of sugar".

i told him about the little butterflys and bees the dental nurse will tie for him, and the water she will spray in his mouth and the little sink he will be allowed to spit into. "I can spit in my basin at home" he told me

Then this morning he asked again "Can I go to the dentist today?"

One day soon he'll be callling it the Murder House like we all do but in the mean time - isn't he sweet?!

Another little funny one: I bumped his head by accident while baking yesterday "Sorry Head" I said. Bax replied "Never mind says head"


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