Very big adventures

Monday, November 28, 2005

You're in trouble!!

Bax has a new word - 'Naughty".
In the weekend we had a coffee with Pat and she gave Izzie a piece of biscotti which is a very very hard kind of italian biscuit which is excellent for teething babies. Izzie loved it, ate the whole thing and lots of crumbs-mixed-with-slobber ended up all over her shirt.

Anyway. Later in the day when we were in the car and Pat wasn't with us Bax suddenly said "Naughty" I asked him who was naughty and he said "Pat" and i said why was Pat naughty and he said "Izzie dirty sweatshirt Pat naughty" I laughed so hard. Then I said "Pat's not naughty the sweatshirt just got mucky because of the bikkie crumbs" There was silence from the back seat, then "Naughty" I asked again who was naughty and Bax said "Bikkie naughty, bubba dirty sweatshirt."

So new words are naughty and mine and now he says not as well as no.

Izzie doesn't say much. But she does really crawl now and loves to eat the fly jackets off G's rugby books.

Oh, and Bax also says rugby. Everytime G leaves the house in fact. He seems to think that whenever G is not at home he's out watching rugby with Poppa (it's almost the truth but once in a while G goes somewhere that is not related to watching rugby with Poppa).


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