For all of you who enjoyed the Carpenter Baxter pictures!
Here's the funny thing about those photos. I got home that day to find Bax enjoying his tool and tool belt so much that i wanted to take a picture. because we have a digital camera Bax knows that you can see the picture if you look into the back of the camera so he comes around to look. Often though he's too quick, and when he comes to look I haven't had enough time to get a photo of him. So this day he wouldn't stay still and I got impatient and put the camera away.
Well he was having none of that. He throw himself on the floor and boohoohoo'd.
I got the camera out again and explained that if he wanted a picture he had to pose. So he went to his work bench took up the hammer, did one beautiful token bang then ran around to see himself. We did this about five times because he loved 'posin' so much! That's why the pics are so good. It is manufactured candid ness!
PS I then turned the camera to video and so I have a little bit of video with Bax running to the hammer, banging once then running back around to look at himself. Very funny.
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