Very big adventures

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Dear Izzie,

Last night you slept the whole way through. Even though I got you up to show you off to friends visiting from London. I wrapped you up in a big pink blanket my grandmother knitted when I was a baby and held you close in the chill of the evening. You didn't cry. You just looked around and watched everyone. Then, after a nice long cuddle, I tucked you up in bed and you went straght to sleep.

This morning Daddy got you up and brought you into the kitchen where Bax and I were eating breakfast. You gave everyone a big happy smile and it made all of us smile too.

I saw you had two teeth where there was just one a day ago.

I made you museli and fruit and you ate it all.

Daddy got you dressed which you didn't like much because you prefer to wriggle around and crawl over to the books and pull them down on top of you. Half way through Daddy left you on the floor and told you not to play any tricks, but while he was gone you rolled over and sat up and started giggling. You are always so proud when you do things for yourself.

In the car on the way into the city I gave you a bottle of milk and your eyes got heavy. You stared out the window as Bax sang his little tune about "Bubba" - a kind of lullabye I suppose.

The morning sun caught the flecks of bright and blonde in your hair.

This little note is not to say anything more than what I say to you every single day. But just to have it noted down in case you ever want to put it in your pocket and carry it away with you.

Love, love, love, Mummy.


Blogger the kanga barrons said...

A beautiful & touching testament 2 ure daughter. U r both lucky 2 have each other. Theres nothing like a loving mother/daughter relationship. Trust me, i have 3 of them ROSE

5:13 AM


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