Very big adventures

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

And this from another dear heart...

I had to just say a few things about Izzies alleged 'chubbiness'. a) I call P (affectionately) Chub Chub, because she was so chubby (pre-1 year old) that I feared her cheeks would get so big they would rise up and her eyes would disapear behind them! b) I was 11lb's when born and at 3 months old was put on cows milk to try and slow down my weight gain. At 4 months old I was Christened and when handed to the Vicar he exclaimed "Goodness me. Come here my little pudding"! By 2yrs old I was lean and had the potential to be America's next Super Model (I later lost that potential when I did not grow over 5' 3" and discovered junk food).


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