Very big adventures

Sunday, November 13, 2005

At the fair

I took Bax to the fair at my old school this weekend and he loved it. We had strawberries and a blueberry muffin and sat together on the steps watching a hippie guitarist playing Pink Floyd from the back of a truck. We shared a bottle of juice and bought some wooden animals in a cloth bag which bax loved and looped over his arm at the elbow and carried around for two days!

he has been before but he was too little then to do any of the games. this year he went to see the fairy queen (not as good as when I was a queen - she now reads her story off a piece of paper printed off the computer!). He didn't enjoy being cooped up but did sit patiently through the story and loved getting his wand. Very funny was his little friend Kiahn who piped up, when asked would he like a magic wand, "I don't need one, i have a magic horse and a magic knight!"

Bax also went to the Chicken Game which entails feeding a huge paper machet chicken three gum nuts then going 'around the back' to collect the eggs she has laid for you. Bax enjoyed that very much. he did try to climb onto the chicken and ride it but I managed to persuade him to collect his prize and then come with me to sit on the grass and eat was three little shortbread eggs in a little cardboard nest. To Bax though they looked so much like the gumnut 'food' he'd just fed the chicken that as soon as he saw them he marched right back to the chicken, forced his way to the front of the line and bunged the 'food' into the chicken's mouth . The crowd watching went wild with laughter, i went red, and Bax looked very pleased with himself. For the rest of the weekend he kept saying "Chicken" "Food" as if reliving his own little joke!


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