Very big adventures

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Bax had a turnaround this week. He threw two massive tantrums at the beginning of the week then on Monday afternoon he cam out of the fug. He disappeared into his room for an hour and when he reemerged he was dressed in a dress shirt and tie. He's never worn them before and later I found he had taken the ladder off his bunk and climbed up in his wardrobe to reach them down.

He then wore the shirt and tie for three days straight.

One day he even took the cellphone fridge magnet G and S gave him to kindy and 'talked on the phone' all day. Kindy also reported he had "gone to work" and "come home" all day at kindy too pretending to be a daddy who works in an office.

Then last night on the way home he announced "I don't have to wear a work shirt everday do I" and he ripped off the tie and undid his buttons and sat their in the back seat in his lime green singlet, smiling out the window.

What a funny lil chap!


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