Very big adventures

Monday, September 17, 2007

We went to a SHOW

On Sunday...styled on a WW2 troop entertainment concert party type thing. It was on in the town hall across the road from our house and Mum and I took the kidlets. I think they loved it. Bax laughed outrageously through the first half and wriggled outrageously through the second half. Izzie sat either tranfixed or half asleep throughout.

At the interval we had tea and sausage rolls. The kids had two each and Bax scoffed his immediately. Izzie ate one and saved the other and half way through the second half she carefully unwrapped the luke warm serviette wrapped package and slowly ate the second one much to Bax' annoyance!

Then yesterday they had cookies and Milo before bed and as I was whispering my last goodnight to Izzie she unfurled her little fist and there was her carefully saved second biscuit! She said with a grin "Mine Bikkie!" and preceeded to nibble it under the blankets!


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