Very big adventures

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


We are in the middle of the era of the potty - with some success I should say - but Bax has discovered it is an excellent ruse to get out of going to bed.

Yesterday G bought Christmas lights and hung them all over the front of the house, with a big bunch of brightly coloured ones draped over the bush outside Bax' bedroom.

When Bax pulled the Potty ruse last night I got him out of bed and put the potty on the patio at the front of the house for him to sit on. When he saw the lights over the front of the house he couldn't believe his eyes - "Lights!" he cried. But when he saw the coloured ones on the bush he said "Flowers!"

We sat out there for a long time until the mossies forced us inside. Then we gave up on the potty (after a pee) and kneeled up on the couch together for ages looking at the "Flowers' twinkling on the bush outside the window.


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