Very big adventures

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


There has never been a love like that between Bax and Izzie. Bax can't get enough of his Bubba and likes to cuddle her by wrapping both arms and legs around her and rolling over the floor. Izzie smiles a lot but never as much as when she's smiling and laughing at Bax. Now that she can sit in the bath they get a toy between them and pat it back and forth and izzie doesn't mind at all when bax splashes her or trys to clean her with a flannel.

They are tricky too. I was outside last night bringing in washing and talking on the cordless phone to an old friend and suddenly the phone went dead. I went inside and found both Bax and Izzie by the phone cords - they'd pulled them out and were very pleased with their efforts. Bax was giving me a cheeky smirk, Izzie was gnawing on the cord.

Izzie isn't yet crawling but she is very close and can get whereever she wants to go by wriggling. She does go up on her knees and even right up onto her feet but then she can't propell herself forward and ends up going sideways.

They are a funny pair, best mates, and such good sports.


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