Saying Goodbye
Bax is getting a bit to used to me leaving for work in the morning.
Once i'm dressed, perfumed, made-up - he knows not to touch and often helps me finding the other shoe and bus money etc.
The other morning i dilly-dallied before leaving and must have said "Bye" 6 times. In the end he said a last very emphatic "Bye!" and then when i still didn't leave, "Go!"
In the evenings he is a real mate when i get home. He is so happy to see me. Now that he likes to hear a story when he's tucked up, my last time with him is him in his little bed in the dark and me sitting on the floor in the doorway reading a story from the hall light.
The other night i didn't come home til well after he was asleep and G told me how Bax had wondered around the house at 7pm saying night night Mummy to the genral atmosphere in a very sad little voice.
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