The dreaded lurgy!
We've all come down with the bot! Snot and mucus drip from all four noses and at least three of our collective eyes - and G has tooth-ache. I have dettolled all door-handles, watered down all bed-time milk drinks and bought boxdes and boxes of tissues. Bax has become chief tissue handler- it's a messy job but someone has to do it! He knows where all the boxes of tissues are through the house and he fetched and carries on command. he is also very good at taking used tissues and putting them in the rubbish! izzie keeps smiling despite the fact that her nose has exploded across her face. yes, yes, I know this is grose, but a problem shared is a problem halved and all that.
We begin to move into our new house next weekend so I hope that the sun will be shining and the bugs will be gone! I pity the poor people who move into our current abode after us - who knows what germs they'll be inheriting. A cure for the common cold? Move house to escape the germs!
I'm waffling now...
PS - I found Lemonade fruit for sale at Pak n Save (bog-standard supermarket) so life isn't all bad!!
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