Wishful thinking
Bax hasn't quite got used to the five day working week. Mon-thurs he is a very helpful in the mornings and happily boots me out the door at 7.30. But Friday mornings are different. This am we all slept very late and I woke up first (at 7.30!!). He heard me get up and said in a loud cheery voice from his cot "Hi!, Hi!" . I went in to him and he sprung out of bed, put his nummy in his top draw and said "Pool?" "Swimming?" which is what we often do together in the weekend. It took a while to explain that I still had one day of work before we could go swimming. He was very persistant but still happy enough to see me go. i promised I'd take him swimming in the weekend and he seemed happy with that.
Don't worry i wasn't late for work, I got an express bus luckily.
When I told the sad little tale to my work collegues, my friend C said that she hadn't got used to the idea of a five day working week either!
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