I met G and the kids down at the Viaduct Basin last night after work. We sat wharf side and had a drink and contemplated the menu. Bax clicked onto the whole restaurant thing pretty quickly. He picked up the menu and ran a finger down the choices saying Mmmmmm. Then he held the menu to his mouth and pretended to eat the air around it, smacking his lips. Very funny. (There were no pictures on the menu he just wanted to eat the words).
Bax is into the whole bed time story thing now too. He gets into bed and one of us sits in the big chair and reads. It's really cool. He's got me round his little finger though. Last night I was reading a story and half way through he said "SOng?" and so I sang a little bit, then he said "Read?" so I started into the story again, then "Song?" - it went on like that til I finally finished the book.
It's hard doing both the work thing and the home thing - but we're getting there.
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