Very big adventures

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Party part 2 - the come down

Ok so that is quite a lot of sugar for one small boy so here's the rest of the story. We got Bax home and got him to bed ok but at 11.30 he woke up and was beside himself . He wanted his balloons he wanted a drink he wanted his party bag. Izzie was awake too at this stage thanks to all the noise. After about ten minutes of this. We got Izzie into her bed and Bax decided he wanted to sleep with Mummy and he solemnly handed his bunch of balloons to Daddy and told them night-night and toddled off to bed exhausted.

This morning he was still pretty hyper and it's fathers day so we went out to brunch. Bax was bouncing off the walls. We managed to get himto eat quite alot of breakfast which was great but he was roaming around the cafe intimidating other kids. He has a shaved head and a black eye thanks to walking into a tree yesterday and he had a crazy look in his eye. A couple of 5 year olds looked quite scared.

We went home.

In one last effort to get rid of the sugar I put him in the bike kids seat and off we went for a big bike ride. We maybe went a bit far. Up on Carrington Road ( which is a main arterial road) he decided he wanted to walk and half way up the hill had had enough. He lay down on the footpath and told me bye bye and night night. And wouldn't get up. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry - I sort of did both. It took me along time to get him back onto the seat and then I rode down the hill with him screaming at the to of his lungs. It took us about an hour to get home.

Bax is asleep now - he was well ready for bed when we got home.

Thank gawd birthdays only happen once a year!


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