A sweet little story about a boy and a bird
I've told before how Bax loves Parpels (parcels) well one arrived this past weekend and Bax opened it up to find the stuffed pukeko that has travelled with Nana Anna around Europe - Mum sent him home to us to celebrate Bax' birthday and be her ambassador to his and Miss O's party in early Sept. bax was thrilled. Thrilled too with the little book with photos telling of Kuki's travels with Nana Anna. We put Kuki up on the bookshelf next the the photo of Nana.
There he sat.
On Monday night Poppa came to visit while G and I went to a pub quiz. Well, Bax very carefully climbed onto the couch and all by himself got down the photo and the stuffed bird and put them on Poppa's knee. Then he said to Poppa "Nana" and pointed and the phot and then "Kuki" and showed him the bird. I was amazed at how desperate he was to explain the bird situation to Poppa. Poppa is a bit deaf but he still got it and was wrapped to make Kuki's aquaintence. bax was very proud of his new friend.
Then this morning Bax showed me the old fridge magnet we got ages ago from the library that has a pukeko on it and he was delighted to discover it was no longer some nameless thingamebob but "Kuki!"
I promise to take a picture and post it here ASAP but I wanted to share the story immediately
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