Very big adventures

Friday, June 10, 2005

Little star

Had a meeting with a client sho owns a beauty parlor this week and took Izzie along. I popped her on a towel on the floor and she blew raspberries and chatted for about half an hour then fell asleep. Seeing how she slept with her arms out made me want to rush out and buy her a cot -so after the meeting I did.

See she's been sleeping in her bassinette up til now and she's been shoe-horned into it for the last month.

Last night I smiled when I went in to check her before I went to sleep. She had a big smile on her face and her arms and legs star-fish style across the matress. Lovely.

PS Funny little thing happened today: Miss O came to play and have lunch and mid way through all that Bax was standing up in his high chair and she said her first two word string (little note: There are lots of first words but stringing them together is a big step - the two word string is the first stage of making real sentences) her first two-word string was "Sit Down!" Her second two word string came a minute or two later when she brought her plate to the kitchen and on the way spilt the scraps onto the floor, she said "Oh shit!" Auntie H and I laughed through our hands.


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