I have to tell you about Bernard. He is a four foot, fat, brown teddy bear Nana Anna brought home from England. he wears a pink scarf. His name used to be Bert but Bax has a collection of Alfie Books and in there the best friend is called Bernard, and as they say in the book "Everyone loves Bernard!" so when the kids met Bernard Bear and fell in love with him they renamed him after every one's favourite best friend Bernard.
Bax and Bernard fight. Like any couple of mates. Bax pounces on him and throws him to the floor, knocking him out with one punch. I gues it sounds a bit violent but it's better than fighting with his sister, or me!
Izzie cuddles Bernard and lies on him. Again, better than lying on the cats which is her other favourite pasttime.
Sometimes Izzie puts the pink scarf on and wanders around the house telling everyone that she is Bernard! Perhaps she's just looking for hug?
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