Very big adventures

Friday, July 15, 2005

Just a little love and our darling Miss O

Sometimes life is really sh*t and then you look in the rear view mirror and see Bax and Izzie holding hands across their car seats. True, it happens. Last Friday when those bombs went off I took Bax to the pool and everything just went really wrong - tiny things but still they all pile up don't they? On a truly sh*t day...

(I made a silent promise to my old friend Cd'V that I would describe how lovely it is to have butter-balls in your life, so...)

...on the way home from the pool I looked in the mirror to see Bax grinning e-to-e and Izzie must of been doing the same and they were holding hands.

Another moment of beauty: Today Bax had his nap at H's and when he woke up I took Miss O to get him up. He was a little mimi-eyed but when he saw her he cheered right up and she reached over the porta-cot to hug him and he gave her a big hug in return. I lifted him out of the cot and gave him his teddy. Of course Miss O went for it and Bax was not having that. He ran down the corridor. About a minute later he came back though with her teddy and handed it to her. Off they went together with their teddies and a few minutes later they had turned the blocks trolley into a push chair and were careening around the house taking teddy times two for a walk.


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