Very big adventures

Saturday, July 09, 2005

DJ Mix Master Bax in da house

As part of my plan to get both kids to be happy in their bedroom I have installed a CD player. At the same time Bax has worked out how to climb out of his cot - he has only done this twice so far so obviously doesn't have much of an urge to. A few days ago I had put him down for a midday snooze I after a few minutes i could hear him creeping around in his room. I let him be, wanting to see what would happen. About half an hour went by and then there was this god almighty screech of static and a loud scream. I went in to find Bax huddled and shaking. He had somehow turned up the volume on his CD player, switched it to radio and knowcked it off the station. Gave himself a hell of a fright and hasn't touched the player since.

Until today...

When I put him down he asked for some songs so, bored myself by Puffing Billy and Peter and the Wolf, I switched on National Radio and left. About ten minutes later I could hear him playing with the CD player so I went in. He was lying in bed with all of the 7 or so CD cases around him. He had pulled out the fly leaf of his favourite and was quietly telling himself the story. I could see that he had tried to get rid of National, put on his CD - hadn't managed it so had given up and was muttering to himself and pointing at the pictures from the cover. I gave in and now he is sleeping with Puffing Billy playing quietly in the background.


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