Very big adventures

Monday, June 27, 2005

In it together.

Could be a fatal mistake but we've moved Bax and Izzie in together. This is so we can reclaim our study and get some work done in the evenings - G mainly as I prefer to sit in front of the TV and knit.

It all went quite well on their first night together. We had dinner (tacos - Bax was very brave and plowed through the chilli mince and salsa) and the kids had a bath and then we dressed them in multi layers because it's so cold at the moment, put on the friendly fairy light and somevery soft Nina Simone and they both fell asleep very quickly with no chatter or crying - until 1am... Then for the next 4 hours they woke each other up every hour until G gave in and let Bax sleep in our bed. Ah well we will keep trying and hope that they get used to each other.

Speaking of TV (which I was two paragraphs back) we have purchased a DVD of Hairy McLary and Bax particularly likes the one with all the cats. Last night as we were finishing tea he managed to explain to us that he would like to watch the story on telly where the dog finds the cats and then the cat that growls scares the dog back into his house. Very clever seeing as he only has about 20 words.


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