Coming down with a bout of the uh-ohs
Bax says uh-oh whenever he sees anything that looks like it's had an oops. For instance today we were walking to the shop and he saw a car which had had a prang and the fender had come off and he said "Uhoh Car Bump uh-oh". And yesterday he brought me his new Little Red Engine book and carefully showed me a picture of a man changing a flat tyre on a truck and told me "Daddy Uh oh Wheel Truck Daddy Uh oh". You get the picture?
A warning though: Uh oh is catching. Tonight at the rugby, amid the calls of "He's been doing it all night ref" and "Offside" I distinctly heard G say, a number of times, "Uh oh!" - the score ? 13-17 to the Lions...Uh-Oh indeed.
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