Very big adventures

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Good old fashioned child abuse

G was changing Bax this morning and Bax was kicking and yelling and generally performing, and somehow he slipped head first down between the change table and the big old chair in his room. He said "Bump" and patted his head rather than cry.

About six minutes later G was cleaning his ears and Bax wanted his ears cleaned too so I did and even though I know full well that you should never stick anything smaller than an elbow in your ear I pushed a bit hard and Bax squeeled and when I looked his ear was bleeding! I was pretty upset. We frantically packed up both kids and all the stuff for the day and trucked off to A and E.

While in the doctors room Bax slipped out of my hands and collided with the leg of the table.

Three major ooopsses before 9am.

Off we went to daycare anyway (he was happy as larry especially as he had a lion stamp on each first - he growled when he showed them to me). In the reception of daycare Bax found a little plastic motorbike and decided to ride it into his room. We were twenty minutes late and there were lots of kids and teachers watching as he cruised into the room. He was wearing his russian fur hat and he had the stalk of an apple in his mouth. Someone mentioned "Easy rider" and he did look pretty cool. My little hero.


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