Very big adventures

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

new doll

Last weekend I went to a really quite magical doll making workshop. It was so so great. I made a doll and really wanted Iz to LOVE it. It has blonde hair and blue eyes and a lilac jumpsuit and I called it Lila.

On the first night I said to Izzie "i have a new friend for you to meet, her name is Lila." and I gave her the doll. Izzie was so enamoured at first. She carefully cradled the doll and sat up in bed with her and listened to the story and all the while stroked Lila's legs and whispered to her. I heard her say "This is my pop Lila" 9her pop is her dummy) and "you have very scruffy hair Lial". and I thought YES! she loves her. But then when the story was over Izzie solemnly passed the doll back and said to me "You take her mummy I'm too tired" It was if the responsibility was just too much.

Then this morning I put Lila into a bag to take to show a friend and Izzie saw her there and said she would like to have Lila on her knee for the car ride. She was so careful to not get vegemite onto Lila;s skin (Izzie was eating toast.) Then at kindy Iz said she would like Lila to come to kindy and sit in her bag and be there when kindy was finished for the day. so off Lila went.

then when I got home Lila was snuggled under the blanket watching tv with Izzie. Izzie was lookng after her so carefully (although I suspent she lets her watch far too much TV!). But then on her way to bed Izzie gave her back to me and said I should look after her.

Bax piped up and said "i think she's very pretty, I'll have her with me Izzie".

in the end Izzie did take her to bed (as long as zebra could go too).


Blogger The Doylies said...

Doll making workshop,how cool is that,i'd love to go to one of those

5:39 PM


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