Some small funnies
The kids were going manic this morning - screaming at the top of their lungs and later Mum asked what was up. here's what I told her:
I had spotted my two children trying to turn eachother into various and varied animals - you know : "You be a dog and I'm your owner" That type of thing. So I finger knitted them a pair of horses reins (very Steiner) out of beautiful hand dyed wool and soon they were trotting around the house being horses. Very harmonious, active-parenting, being involved, tapping into the needs of the child - all that. But next thing I know it's all off - "You be the horse!" "Nooooo!You be the horse!!" All hell breaks loose. So within 20 minutes of creating the perfect sharing-siblings toy the reigns are up on top of the fridge never to be played with again (I don't know how the home-spun kindy teachers do it!)
While we were away camping last week Bax ran into a tree. Full tilt. He was running back and forth between feeding ducks and where G and I sat on the grass and he ran smack into a palm tree. I was laughing so hard he had to tell me to stop laughing just so he could get a decent cuddle. Through the tears he whimpered "Can we go somewhere where there's no trees please?"
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