Very big adventures

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm back!

After a two month silence I am back on the blogging trip - sorry to those who missed our funny little adventures.

Bax is turning into a muscials fanatic - he's now seen Annie about ten times! and can sing the score! And today he was showing me how he can sing and do the Hokey Tokey (or Cokey or Pokey - depending on where you went to school!) he is also turning into a witty little person. I asked him how his pudding was going tonight and he answered "A bit on the sticky side!"

Izzie and Bax love doing funny shows together - they call them their puppet shows. Tonight Bax was a storm cloud and Izzie was the sunshine and poor G had to crouch in the middle of the lounge with a towel "rain coat" over him while the little cloud chased the sun around the room.

Is that better than last night's performance? I peaked into the lounge to find the three of them dancing to the "Priscilla Queen on the Desert" soundtrack!


Blogger The Doylies said...

Good to read your news!You have quite the little theatre group there,bax is growing up aye?He's gorgeous too!

12:40 AM


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