Very big adventures

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Words on words

Izzie's a hoot with her talking at the mo. She calls everyone Darling because they all call her darling probably. She sings ALL THE TIME. Mainly Twinkle twinkle. And if you say a word to her when she's singing she incorporates the word into the song - a fun game for the whole family.

But yesterday she stopped singing because she wasn't well. We were aghast.

She stared out the window on the way to town and didn't sing and it was so quiet that in a short while Bax leant across and whispered Izzie? You ok?

She turned her head, full of wan, to look at him and smiled feebly. So Bax whispered the first few bars of Twinkle and soon Izzie was joining in, albeit softly. She sang for only a little bit then turned and looked out the window again. It was pitiful.

But today she is back from outta space with a big smile upon her face. And singing and chatting again and saying to me Good Girl Mummy and That's My Daddy and calling people Darling.


Blogger The Doylies said...

That's soooo cute!.jasper does that too,everyone+everything is Thomas(our cat)to jas,even ruby is called thomas,aren't they a crackup!?

12:24 AM


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