Very big adventures

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Biker boy

Bax can ride his little two-wheeler (with trainer wheels still on) pretty well now. And he loves it. Yesterday was Anzac Day so I was home and we had three little rides around the streets. He is speedy! Up the hills I tie the dog lead on and pull him up but often he over takes me anyway! The brake doesn't work so he uses his feet.

But here's a sad bit of the story. How over-the-road-neighbours J and R have bought a brand new huge camper van (they've evn built a huge new garage for it). They've been waiting for the camper to be finished so they can pick it up and Bax has been waiting too. Every day for about three weeks he's asked "Is the camper here yet?" . Before Easter we answered "It's coming after Easter" and then after Easter he asked "Is it after Easter now, is the camper van here yet"

Then yesterday it arrived! And we all went over the have a look. J showed us around and Bax looked into every cupboard and ummed and ahhhhed and nodded as J explained the specifications to him.

Then when it was time to go Bax just ran off back to our place without saying a word. Izzie said Thanks you and Bye bye but Bax just zoomed off. R laughed and said "Well I've seen your camper and now I'm off to the next thing". We followed Bax and saw him getting his bike out through the gate. It was nearly dinner so G said "No Bax come inside it's dinner time" Bax just lost it! screaming and crying and carrying on and that got G a bit cross and there was yelling.

I couldn't understand how it had all gone so pear shaped so fast.

Later that night when I was tucking him in Bax whispered "I wanted to show them my bike Mummy" And I suddenly realised: Bax had loved seeing the camper so much that he wanted to show them something cool and special in return so he'd run home to get his bike and we hadn't understood that he wanted us to stay at J and R's and wait for him to get his bike. Hence the performance when we all marched home and got mad with him and didn't give him the opportunity to show how well he could ride. I felt so sad for him. I promised that we would go right over today and show R and J Bax' bike.

I just spoke to him on the phone and he was so chuffed because he and G and Iz were just getting ready to go over and show R and J how well he could ride his little bike as a fair exchange for them showing us their cool new camper van.


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