How 'bout this for a funny thing?
Bax came down to breakfast last morning (he says "last day " and "last morning" instead of yesterday...) carrying two little suitcases (dolly sized - one has dolls clothes in it, the other is full of finger puppets (we have quite a collection)). Anyway....he comes down with the two suitcases and he says that he and Izzie are going to the airport. I say alrighty then.
We eat our breakfast and every now and then he looks over at the suitcases and says things like "Those are the feijoas" "They're the apples" and I think Well that's a bit of a stretch but hey he does have a vivid imagination. "These are the pears" "That's the bananas" he says. Then after breakfast he takes one suitcase and Izzie takes the other and he says "We're going to the airport now Mummy, we have to take our FRUITCASES".
All that time he thought they were called fruitcases not suitcases - hence all the feijoa apple pear talk.
Isn't that funny?!
that is funny!
6:48 PM
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