Wrapping not required
As a mother of small children I can honestly say that the very best presents do not come wrapped and ribboned. When I had just had Bax my mate Becky took me away for a night in a chintzy b&b and some adult conversation because that is what I really needed. And when I just had Izzie my other very good mate H took me away for a girly weekend with a pile of friends and we had a spa and stayed in a trashy-cool motel. Those were good presents.
And last night when I got home and Gran had cleaned the WHOLE HOUSE including vacuuming under all the beds, putting away washing and tidying toys AND WASHING NAPPIES. Plus she'd made paua friters and apple crumble with custard. That was a very good present.
And today I got out of a very grown-up serious meeting about very important things and all my work mates told me that G had been in with the kids, and weren't my children beautiful: Izzie in her bumble bee dressing gown and Bax in his fireman's raincoat - aren't they cute, so chatty, very lovely, just beautiful - that was a great present too.
And then my Mum's email saying how the Easter photo was so sweet and captured it, and what happened next in the on-going Izzie Sleeping Saga. That kind of invested, honest interest, is a priceless precious present.
See, unwrapped, deribboned and the very best on the market.
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