I took Master and Miss V-T and my two to a petting zoo for Lil Clio's 2nd birthday party on Saturday. Now Miss V-T wants guinea pigs and I want a rabbit. A particular kind of rabbit called a flemish giant because they are really big and the kind magicians use. Mama V-T actually said yes to a guinea pig which amazed and impressed me - I think it helped our case (mine and Miss V-T's ) that Mama was asleep when we asked her having worked a night shift, we ambushed her on her way out of her bedroom.
So now G has agreed to not only finish the chook house but also make TWO small furry pet houses. Also he is part way through fixing the fence down the south side. The old chap from over-the-road came across and said "I've lived here 13 years and in all that time you're the first one to have touched that ruddy fence" - a huge compliment which G was stoked with.
And as if MzIz wasn't cute enough now she can say "Cuddles" and "Kiss" which makes us all giggle and give her anything she wants.
So back to chooks: If anyone can tell me what all this means: I'll give you a prize.
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