Monster trucks
Two big events in Bax' life: he got to ride in a big truck and he got to drive under a big truck.
G was in charge of refilling the playgroup sandpit. So off he went with the kids in the ute to get a special golden sand from a special golden sand place. When they arrived at the yard the friendly man instructed them to follow and he drove off to where a big digger thingo scooped up the sand. Then G drove UNDER the digger and it dumped the sand onto the ute tray. Bax was apparently gobsmacked at being under this huge contraption.
And then on Friday G was chatting to the guys over the fence who run the truck yard next to our place (read: having a beer with..) Bax was oggling the big trucks and so the chaps hauled him over the fence and he got to sit up in the truck AND go round and round with the steering wheel AND beep the horn.
He couldn't stop talking about it!
hay do u have any ideas for a present for bax? hes really into trucks rite? any ideas of sumthing he NEEDS or is JUST DYING 4 lol Olivia xoxo
7:50 PM
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