Country Bumpkins
We had a fantastic weekend of parties for Bax turning three and Nana Anna coming for a visit from the UK. Started on Thursday when Granny and Poppa arrived from different directions. Poppa drove down from Auckolofo and Granny flew up from Wellywood and they met in the middle in Napier and drove to us. At the same time Auntie H and Miss O drove in a CAMPERVAN all the way from Auckolof and met me coming home from work on the expressway. We convoyed home with Miss O waving hysterically from her high perch.
Had a wunderba meal together and in the morning a triffic brekkie then off we all went in various directions to potter or run errands or just have a look see at the countryside. Home again for another fin and full meal and lots of chat and laughter. The house finally feeling fat and full with all our wontoks.
Saturday we tried to keep everyone calm (read: keep kids quiet while adults secretly beaver about preparing for the party). All kids slept til just before three when the party started. Guests arrived and arrived. Some dressed up to match our theme of Country Bumpkins, some just dressed normally and tohers dressed 'normally' and still in tune with our bumpkin theme (I won't mention names).
Games included Catch the Train in whcih people run with a suit case get dressed in the contents the run back and another does the same - a dress up relay really. Grown men doing this is hilarious! Also a coconut shy and three legged races and sack races and pin the tail on donkey (not a real donkey). We didn't have prizes or winners as such because we had kids from 1 to 17, we just handed our marshmellows and lollipops for good participation and all the big kids helped all the littlies and there was much hilarity and fun and laughter and falling about with it all.
Food was sarnies mainly and popcorn which was easy todo and a really hit witht he smalls. Fairy bread too of course. Mz Is ate most of that and got it all over her face.
Cake was a chocolate log with cocnut died green from grass and a toy tractor on top.
Later all the kids we didn't own went home and a whole lot more of the wontoks arrived and we cooked a lamb and some steaks and had salad to go with. Then more cake (carrot). The night drifted on and got colder and some zzzzd in the warm lounge thanks to port and chat. others sloched by the brazier outside or had a spa and kids ran around in the dark with torches.
By ten we were all asleep happy and snug and full up with it all.
Sunday more food and a convoy off to the farmers market. We stood in a circle in the freezing market sipping coffee and stamping our feet while little groups or indivies wondered off to hunt and gather and bring back to the rest for inspection.
Then to Napier the remaining few: Nana, Me, Lili, Bax, Miss O, Auntie H for pizza and kumara chips. Then home to where Auntie Z was with more smalls. More running around, more eating, more vino. Then Sunday night, just us and silence and good warm memories of all our friends and family and all the rest and the chat and the laughs. Photos to come.
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