Very big adventures

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

One evening

I get home to find Izzie and Bax in the hall on their way into Bax' bedroom.

Izzie is in the terrific old wooden trolley granny and poppa found in the shed at their place.

The kids take turns - one sitting and one pushing - if Izzie's at the helm they can't turn corners so G has to come in to save the day.

Reminds me to tell you: Bax still wears his fireman's helmet everywhere - when I told his self-appointed pagan godfather that he loved fireengines, George said "They're cars and they save the day - what's not to love?"

So anyway two kids and a trolley...they love it and I do think that if anything happened to all the adults in the world they would simply pack the trolley with all the things they could think of and set off into the hinterland together.

Later that evening when Izzie was in bed and G was at the chirapedshiropadontist Bax and I sat together on the couch and chatted - he loves chatting, somedays he just says to me, "let's chat, let's do talking"

We talked about our day.

I started singing to him. We sing alot, make up lyrics about what we see and what's happening and he's getting very good at it - he can even hold a tune.

They do alot of singing at kindy too - about everything - pretty much they sing all day.

Then suddenly Bax said to me "Stop singing!"

I laughed and he grinned at me.

"is that what you tell Bon? (his kindy carer)" I said "What do you say to her?"

"Stop singing"

Of course i won't though - i think secretly he likes it.


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