Bed bug
We've taken the side off Bax' cot so it's now a little bed, and he is very good at not creeping out of his room once he's 'gone to bed'. However...he does creep out of bed to play in his room and some nights we can still hear him chatting and singing and telling stories at 9.30pm!! He also gathers things into bed so there is very little room left for him to be!
So he ends up either falling out or just getting so befuddled that he cries and then ends up in our bed. He must be so conscious of falling out that he thinks about it often. As I woke this morning I saw him stroking his sleeping father's back and sayin "Watch out Daddy, don't fall ouuuttt!" In a very quiet loving voice.
The other night I went in to him at about 11.30 because he was crying and there he was with ten books, a bulldozer, a tractor and trailer set, 5 small cars, and Bax was sitting on his pillow crying because there was no where to sleep.
G says put the side back on his cot or handcuff him to the rails.
I say buy him a proper single bed so it's higher off the ground, there's more room, and if he does end up in our bed at least there is somewhere for one of us to sleep!
What do you say?
As funny as I think G's suggestion is, I have a feeling the child protection agencies would take issue handcuffing Baxter to his cot (think fire, health and safety Mr Barron!). Have to agree with you Jess, that a 'grown up' big little bed just might be the way to go.
1:10 AM
Thank you - we are now in the process of buying one off trade me!
8:14 PM
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