Very big adventures

Monday, April 03, 2006

Fireman Bax to the Rescue!

Bax' latest thing is firemen, fire engines, hoses, helmets, sirens. He fell out of bed the other night and he was wearing his fireman helmet because G heard it land just before he did. G went in to find Bax standing in his room with his fire helmet in his hands crying "Poor Dada".

Poor dada - he says this whenever he hurts himself. or when he gets bitten by a mossie - Poor Dada naughty mossie. Poor Dada sore tummy - When my german uncle Norbert was visiting in the summer he told Bax that when he had a sore tummy he had to do a big fart and now whenever Bax is feeling sorry for himself he rubs his tummy and says Poor Dada, Uncle norbert said Big Fart. And then he blows a raspberry. he is a very funny little chap.

Bax puts on that fireman helmet and runs after you yelling "help fireman sam come quick there's a fire help me" and then he'll make his voice go a notch lower and say a whole babble of mongolian in a reassuring tone, then he'll pitch up again and say "Faster Fireman Sam we neeeeed you". (I do have to say he watches not much at all Fireman Sam on DVD)

And izzie too has a terrific sense of humour. i was watching her last night put her hands on G's knees and crouch down in front of him as he sat on the couch, then pop up and down. As in G would say 'Where's Izzie?" and Izzie would pop up and giggle. They are both funny but in very different ways. Bax will play funny word games and do silly voices and look at you sideway when you're telling him off until he makes you crack a smile, he'll pull his cheeks down to make a monster face and roar at you.

izzie laughs constantly and if she does cry it's more of a groan and she pulls her nose up so it crinkles and groans with her eyes squeezed closed and then she giggles at you for looking concerned.

I'd love to capture it comeway better than just writing it here but it's impossible. you just have to imagine.

And then look behind when they're both in their car seats and you see two very similar little faces, all round and smiley, and Bax has these big chocolate brown very dark eyes and a big mop of rockstar hair all tussled and dark, and Izzie has these big bright blue eyes and blondy curls. They are cherubs, and just as cheeky.


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