Very big adventures

Sunday, December 11, 2005


Picture this: G with a fort of duvets, blankets, pillows etc in the middle of the lounge and a cushion in each hand, and Bax running at him only to be knocked back by the cushions, the two of them giggling and rolling around. Then Bax, all shaky cause he's so hyped up, goes running into the kitchen. We can't see him because he's behind the breakfast bar. There's silence for a good three minutes. Then he comes bolting out of the kitchen screaming like a crazed warrior with the oven glove across his body, one hand in each mitt and his arms outstreatched. He runs full tilt from the kitchen right at G.

It was the funniest thing because he'd obviously been hiding round there looking desprately for something he could use to get back at Daddy.

Also, his new word is Ummm. in respose to "Are you playing?" on the phone to me this morning he let out a long "Ummmmmmmmmm - um - yeah"

And as for Izzie, she is pulling herself up and holding herself there with one hand. She moves beautifully, just like she's read all the books on child development.


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