Very big adventures

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Bax has a thing about rubbish. He loves rubbish trucks for instance. And now that we have moved to the eco-city where terms like recycling and sustainable and environment are tossed about willy nilly, we are looking at our own rubbish situation very closely. For instance we have started sorting our rubbish and composting. We have also been to the supermarket to buy the special Waitakere City Official Rubbish Bags. I use the term 'buy' loosely.

This is what happened...

(before I begin I have to explain that our buggy has two sits, one under the other, sort of like a double decker buggy - Izzie is sposed to sit in the bottom and Bax on top but they prefer it the other way around so Bax crawls into the little seat underneath and Izzie has lots of room on top.)

G, Izzie and Bax went to the supermarket to do the shop and G got 40(!!) rubbish bags and hung them carefully over the handle of the buggy, Izzie was in the top seat, Bax underneath. when he got to the counter they weren't there, but he was in a rush so he thought he'd get them another time. When he got to the car and began unloading he reached down to Bax and found nothing but a huge pile of black rubbish bags. Bax had pulled all 40 bags down on top of him and was completely covered.

Not very ecofriendly as they are $1.30 each and probably not at all sustainable but very funny none the less.


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