Very big adventures

Saturday, August 06, 2005


I've told you already about Bax and me playing the song-stop-more-song game well here's another one for you: In an on-going drive to carve him into a musical prodigy (actually any kind of prodigy would do) I am currently teaching Bax to do the woof woof bits between the verses of How Much is that Doggy. He's quite good and as soon as he stops wandering away after only the first chorus we will be getting matching show biz suits made up and hitting the road to do a world tour.

Also, last night we were out and Izzie was grizzly and we asked Bax to sing her a song and he did! It was very sweet and involved twinkle twinkle up above old macdonald had ten thousand men and best of all happy bus (Bax' new fav catch cry - at least THIS one we can understand!)


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