Birthday Boy
Bax had a lovely birthday thank you very much. GAS was up from Gis too which made it even more like a party. Started pretty early of course with presents in the kitchen. A trike and trailer from Mummy, Daddy, Izzie and Nana Anna, piled high with parcels "Parpels! parpels!"
Auntie B in London sent a terrific dragon from China, some books and stickers and two masks from Japan (one is a piece of toast so for a bit Bax was half boy half toast!) From Seal and L and the kids in ChCh animal jigsaws and a book about farm things. From Auntie Liane a book about zoo animals. From Linda and Ellie in London three perfect books - Fix It Duck is the new fav. And from Daddy a wooden marble run and a wooden digger. From Mummy books. From GAS (Great Auntie S) The Little Yellow Digger which is a hot fave too. And from Izzie a little car and a ball. Phew
Then another parpel arrived from Nana with a lion puppet, a hat from Madeira and a London cab which is the fave toy! Izzie was sent a beach ball and a book!
Then we were off to brunch with GAS and Heidi and Miss O. They had another parpel - a wooden tool set! Miss O and Bax sat and played with it under the envious gaze of every other kid in the cafe. (Little motherly side bar - I got the chef to do a plain egg and a piece of ham on toast and Bax ate it ALL which is a lot better than getting something he only eats a bit of)
A wonderful day split into two by a very big sleep by Bax and Izzie. In the early evening Poppa and Granny came over...more parpels! A tractor and a train (for a little train set that they though they'd given him but have actually saved for Christmas! - he loved it anyway) . Then all of us walked to the lovely little Italian place across the park . Bax LOVED it. He loves a show and he squeeled with delight when we did Cheers! He loved the antipasti platter and giggled every time the waitress came up. He had to hide his face he was so so happy.
Next day more parples arrived from Gran and Auntie L - Bax really loves the bowl and the cup with trains on them!
So thanks to everyone who sent parpels and thoughts to Bax and us and here's a big Yahoo! to our super two year old boy!
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