Very big adventures

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Out of the gate and off for a walk...

Bax is hooked. Stupid probably to get it for him in the first place but now that it's done we just have to hold on and ride the storm out. Two words: Hairy MacLary!

It is a DVD with ten five minute HM stories spoken in very fine NZEng by the lovely Miranda Harcourt and Bax could watch it all day everyday - he doesn't of course!

His favourite character is the scariest one - Scarfaced Claw the meanest Tom in town, and now when ever he sees he cat he hisses and says "Tom. Cat." with a big fullstop (could even be an exclamation point!) between the words.

I made the mistake of reciting bits I could remember while we were out on the bike one day and soon found myself puffing up a steep hill trying to get the story out and breathe at the same time! "Out of the gate...huff for a ...hiff bpuff struggle for breath...went Hairy Mc...breatheeee" while Bax sqeeled "More more!" from the back seat.

Meanwhile on the other side of the lounge....Izzie and her rolling are driving me mad. She can only roll one way and is very determined. She rolls onto her tummy sits there for a bit looking around and chuckling and then she gets tired and her head droops and she starts screaming like a stuck pig until someone comes and rolls her back!


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