Very big adventures

Monday, January 15, 2007

Peachy and Charlie Moon take on the world


Blogger The Doylies said...

Wow,they have changed so much!!Baxter looks so much older.Great photo jess.
Thanks for the stunning story of the kids you sent and the card,it is good to hear from you.

11:57 PM

Blogger the kanga barrons said...

Oooh goody another photo for aunty and uncle to print off. I agree with liane, Bax does look older. But then LJ is the same when he has a short cut. They are such beautiful children. kiss kiss to you all

12:09 AM

Blogger the collective said...

Thanks girlz, Gee when can we get them all together - we're all so broke?!! Ahhh why is the world so big. Can we start planning something for next year?

7:42 PM


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